Heart Disease Prevention

Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death for women? Every one minute, a woman suffers from heart disease! But this can be prevented. Still don’t believe me? Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for exact numbers! A variety of factors can lead to heart disease.

For example:

  • smoking
  • an unhealthy diet
  • lack of exercise
  • inheritance

According to the World Heart Federation, one of the most preventable contributors of heart disease is an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. With an inconsistent exercise regime, one will have high blood pressure and cholesterol, thus creating plaque in blood vessels that will prevent blood and oxygen from reaching the heart. A lack in oxygen and blood will result in heart disease or stroke. Did you know exercising for at least 30 minutes every day can decrease your risks of heart disease dramatically? According to livestrong.com, the most effective type of exercise is cardio. Here are some ways that one can increase their physical activity throughout the day.

With adults and even teens constantly being busy in this app homegeneration, many people lack exercise. According to a survey done by CBS news, only 20.6% of adults meet the recommended amounts of exercise! In attempts to increase physical activity in each person’s life, I would like to make a fitness app, titled 360 Health. This app would cover all the main components to a well rounded and healthy lifestyle, thus naming the app 360 Health. The main component of the app is the exercise reminders. With teens and
adults attending school and work for a majority of their day, the app would schedule ten 3 minute exercises throughout the day based on one’s schedule. The app will include instructional videos that will educate the audience on correct form. I plan to incorporate simple exercises such as jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, lunges, high knees, jogging in place and many more. Watch some of these exercise videos below! Courtesy of Jessica Beering!

To maximize a student’s opportunity to exercise, I hope to incorporate 3 minute exercises in the beginning of class. Not only will this give students motivation while exercising with classmates, but according to Harvard Health Publications, exercise is proven to increase one’s focus.

In addition to the physical activity of one’s lifestyle, one’s daily food consumption is an important part to a healthy lifestyle as well. Although some people may choose to eat unhealthily because of their cravings, most people do not know what is classified as a healthy meal other than a salad. With that being said, I would dedicated a section of the app to eating healthy. I would include healthy recipes, a food tracker, as well as a scheduled meal prep/plan. To motivate people, I will also include an Instagram account that motivates people to eat healthy through pictures.

Visit the app’s Instagram page!

To get a glimpse of my app, click this image!


To test my prototype, I asked 1 classmate to manually set 10 alarms to exercise throughout the day for 3 minutes. To test how exercise would work in a class environment, I requested that my English teacher, Mr. Currier, set three minutes aside during his class to have students exercise. Here is the video below!

After testing my prototype and receiving feedback from my classmates, I found that although my idea was in its developing stages and I still have a lot to improve on, the first runs went pretty well. After exercising as a class, I noticed that the class enjoyed the “dance party” and took the time to relax. After asking the class if they would like to exercise again, 95% Capturesaid they would. Before class, I asked my classmate to lead the exercise session, and in the future, this leadership opportunity could give people a chance to express themselves. In contrast to exercising as a whole, my friend Jessica Beering volunteered to exercise for ten 3 minute intervals. As a student with many AP classes, she has a busy schedule, so I thought she would be the best candidate to test my app. After asking her what she thought about the exercising, she mentioned how it was difficult to exercise throughout the day, but tried to fit in workouts before and after lunch. With many people asking her why she was exercising, she said it felt a little awkward. As a solution, I think my app would be most efficient and effective if the whole school set aside three minutes at the start of each class period to exercise. Not only will this decrease every single person’s risks of heart disease, it will also bring everyone closer and increase student’s focus before a class.

Learn more about heart disease!

Mayo Clinic

American Heart Disease


*App created using Appy Pie

Class Cameo 10/26-11/3

Although during the week of October 26th to November 3rd consisted of only two class periods, I learned a lot. This particular week covered the cardiovascular system, as well as tested our knowledge on the heart diagram. In addition, the class was assigned a case study where students were given a real life situation and students had to identify/diagnose the potential problems of an elderly couple given their daily routines. At the end of the week, I learned about the cardiovascular and respiratory system’s diseases and began the EKG lab where we learned the basics toFullSizeRender (5) a healthy and unhealthy heart beat.

Through the cardiovascular system web quest, Ms. Kahn provided a link from The Franklin Institute along with some guiding questions to learn more about the blood vessels, the right and left atrium and ventricles, the aorta, and a lot more!

The lab the class completed, which was my favorite assignment this week, was the case study. The case study was titled “A Healthy Retirement?” and revolved around an elderly couple. Each individual had some health risks. With Jim being overweight, smoking, having high blood pressure, and being 68 years old; and with Nancy being overweight, being easily tired, having a history of osteoporosis, and having high glucose levels, both Jim and Nancy were at risk of heart disease, lung cancer, diabetes, and stroke. I liked this lab particularly being it gave me an opportunity to tap inside the job of a doctor and diagnose patients with certain risks based on their living habits. Not only did I learn to pay close attention to details, but I also got a real life experience of being a doctor.

Throughout this week, we learned about the cardiovascular system. A current event revolving this topic is from EurekAlert!, titled “Study suggests potential connection between low blood sugar and cardiovascular problems.” Newly released on November 3rd, 2015, this article discusses how the body responds to cardiovascular stress and that the cardiovascular system is compromised during episodes of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is “when the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood is too low. Hypoglycemia occurs most often in diabetics who must inject insulin periodically to lower their blood sugar.” So, all in all, this study points out the potential risks of restricting one’s diet because it leads to low blood sugar, and low blood sugar can affect the heart’s functions. A solution to this problem is to eat a healthy and balanced diet.