Diet Analysis-Part 3

For part 3 of my semester project in sports medicine, I created an info graph analyzing my diet for three days. Through this info graph, I address the nutritional requirements I meet as well as the food groups I should pay more attention to.

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My Diet Analysis:
After entering my diet into ChooseMyPlate, I was surprised to find that I had been missing essential nutrients in my diet such as Vitamin C and lacked the appropriate amounts of carbohydrates. It did not occur to me that I was consuming exceed amounts of fat as well as protein calories.

After completing this project, websites such as The Active Times have helped me understand what percentages of carbohydrates, protein, and fats I need to consume as an athlete.

Seeing that I lack a proper amount of carbohydrates in my body, as shown through the infograph above, I will try to meet the requirements through foods like quinoa and bread. To meet my vitamin requirements, I will consume tablets which are easy ways to meet vitamin requirements.

Overall, this diet reflection has made me more aware of my diet. Before this project, I thought I was consuming a well balanced diet fit for an athlete, but using ChooseMyPlate and recording my diet in general has brought my attention towards many areas I can improve on, for example balancing out my diet to consume less fat as shown in the pie charts in the infograph.

I am positive that continuing to track my diet and using ChooseMyPlate as a guide will definitely help me improve my health, but also my athletic performance as well!

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